ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Blaise Pascal

Blaise Pascal was a man who lived a long time ago, in a time when people didn't have computers or phones like we do today.

He was very smart and learned a lot about math and science. He even invented a machine called a calculator that could help people do math quickly!

But that's not all he did. He also had big ideas about how we know what we know. He thought a lot about God and religion and the meaning of life.

One of his famous ideas is called Pascal's Wager. Imagine you were betting with someone about whether or not God exists. Pascal said that even if you weren't sure, it's safer to bet that God does exist. That way, if you're wrong, nothing bad happens. But if you're right, you could win a big prize!

Pascal was a very interesting and intelligent person who taught us a lot about math, science, and philosophy.