ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bogardus scale

Okay, imagine that you have a bunch of friends and you want to know how much they like or dislike different things. The Bogardus scale is a tool that helps you do this.

It works like this: You ask your friends to rate different things on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 means they really dislike it and 7 means they really like it. You can also add a middle option, like a 4, for things they feel neutral about.

Once your friends have rated everything, you can add up all the scores and get an average. This average tells you how much your group as a whole likes or dislikes each thing you asked them about.

So, why is this useful? Let's say you're trying to plan a party and you're not sure what kind of music to play. If you use the Bogardus scale to ask your friends about different genres of music, you can see which ones are the most popular and plan your playlist accordingly.

Overall, the Bogardus scale is a simple way to gather information about how groups of people feel about different things.