ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bok globule

Okay kiddo, have you ever looked up at the stars in the night sky and seen some pretty cool clouds of gas and dust that make the stars look like they're shining really bright? Well, bok globules are kinda like those clouds, but on a much smaller scale.

Bok globules are tiny pockets of gas and dust that can be found in space, usually in places where stars are forming. They can be shaped like tiny balls or discs, and they can be as small as just a few times the size of our solar system or as big as several light-years across (that's really big!).

Now, even though bok globules might look pretty cool to us, they're not exactly friendly environments for life as we know it. You see, in these clouds, the gas is really cold and thin, and there's not much light or heat available. Plus, there can be a lot of radiation and other dangerous stuff going on.

So while bok globules might not be a great place for us to visit, they're really interesting to scientists who study how stars form and how galaxies evolve over time. By studying bok globules, we can learn a lot about how the universe works, and maybe even discover new things that we never knew before!
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