ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hey there kiddo!

Do you know what a rich person is? Someone who has a lot of money and things they can buy, right?

Well, the boliburguesía refers to a group of people in some Latin American countries who have become rich and powerful because of their close ties to the government.

This group of people, also known as “red bourgeoisie”, often gain their wealth through corruption or by doing business with the government. They can be politicians or their family members, wealthy businessmen, or influential people who have access to resources and privileges that normal folks don’t have.

However, some people argue that the boliburguesía may not deserve their wealth because they have obtained it in fraudulent or illegal ways, which is why they are being criticised.

So, to put the idea simply, boliburguesía refers to a group of rich and powerful people in Latin America who are often associated with corruption and unjust ways of obtaining their wealth.