ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bondage cuffs

Okay, so imagine that you have a toy that you really love to play with, but sometimes it's hard to keep it still. That's kind of like a person who wants to stay in one place during playtime, so they use something called bondage cuffs.

Bondage cuffs are like special bracelets that go around a person's wrists or ankles. They're made of soft fabric or leather, and they have buckles or velcro to keep them secure. When someone puts on bondage cuffs, they can't move their hands or feet as much, because the cuffs hold them in place.

Sometimes, people use bondage cuffs as part of a game that they play with another person. That person might be in charge of the game, and they get to decide what the person with the cuffs on does or doesn't do. Other times, people use bondage cuffs as a way to feel more secure during intimate moments.

It's really important to use bondage cuffs safely and respectfully. People who use them should always talk about what they like and don't like, and they should use a "safe word" that means "stop" if anything becomes too uncomfortable or painful. Using bondage cuffs can be fun, but it's important to treat the other person with kindness and respect!