ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Book store shoplifting

When you go to a book store, you see lots and lots of books that you want to read or buy. But sometimes, some people try to take the books without paying for them. This is called shoplifting. It's like taking candy from a store without paying. It is not a good thing to do and it is against the law.

Book stores have special ways to prevent shoplifting. They may have cameras that can see everything in the store, even if you don't see them. They may also have security guards who watch the store to make sure nobody takes anything without paying for it.

When you go to the book store, make sure to only take the books that you have paid for. If you see someone taking a book without paying, tell the person who works at the store so they can take care of it.

Remember, it's always best to be honest and pay for the things you want, because shoplifting is not good and can get you in trouble.
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