ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Boson star

Okay kiddo, let me explain what a boson star is.

You know how everything around us is made up of tiny particles called atoms? These atoms have even tinier particles inside them called protons, electrons, and neutrons.

Now, sometimes there are particles that are even smaller than these, like bosons. Bosons are particles that don't have any electric charge and don't really interact with other particles.They only interact through something called the weak nuclear force.

When a lot of these boson particles come together, they can form something called a "boson star". It's like a really big group of bosons that are all stuck together because of their weak nuclear force.

The boson star can be really massive, and because the particles are all so tightly packed together, it can create a very strong gravitational field. This means that even light particles can't escape the boson star's gravity.

So, a boson star is basically a big clump of really small particles that are all stuck together so tightly that they create a really strong gravity field. Cool, huh?