ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Boston Brahmin

A long, long time ago in a city called Boston, there were some very special families who were very rich and powerful. They were called the Boston Brahmins. They were like kings and queens, but without crowns or thrones. They had lots of money, and they were very respected.

The Boston Brahmins were like a special club that only certain families could be a part of. They were super smart, educated, and well-connected. They had lots of big houses and fancy cars. They had fancy clothes, too. They were the fanciest of them all.

Even though the Boston Brahmins were very rich and powerful, they were also kind of exclusive. That means they didn't always let other people into their club. They often married each other to keep their special bloodline going. They were like a fancy family that didn't want to let anyone else in.

But even though they were exclusive, the Boston Brahmins played a big role in the history of Boston. They helped build important institutions like Harvard University and the Boston Public Library. They were also involved in politics and other important decisions that shaped the city.

Today, the Boston Brahmins don't exist in the same way they used to. But their legacy lives on, and people still talk about them and their fancy lifestyles.