ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bowel management

Bowel management is a way of making sure that people who have trouble going poop do it in a safe and healthy way. Poop is made up of leftover food and waste from your body, and it comes out of your bottom when you go to the bathroom. But some people can have trouble going to the bathroom because of a medical condition or injury.

Bowel management is like a plan that helps these people make sure their body is able to get rid of poop safely and regularly. Doctors and nurses can help create this plan, which may include things like changing their diet, exercises to help their body, or using medicine or devices to help poop come out.

Sometimes, people may use things like enemas or suppositories to help poop come out of their body. These are special tools that can be put into the bottom, and they help break up the poop and make it easier to come out.

Overall, bowel management is important because it helps people stay healthy and avoid problems like constipation or infections. It may seem a little complicated, but doctors and nurses are there to help make it easier for them.