ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Brahma is a really important god in Hinduism. He is part of the trio of major gods, along with Vishnu and Shiva. Brahma is known as the creator god, which means he is responsible for making everything in the universe.

Imagine you are playing with your building blocks. You can use them to make houses, towers, and all sorts of cool things. In a similar way, Brahma used his awesome powers to create everything we see around us. He made the sun, the moon, the stars, the trees, the animals, and even humans!

Brahma is usually shown with four heads, which is pretty amazing! Each of his heads represents a different aspect of creation. One head is in charge of knowledge, one is in charge of the mind, one is in charge of the ego, and one is in charge of the senses.

The story of Brahma goes like this: One day, he was looking for a wife to help him create the world. He first asked the goddess Saraswati, who was too busy with her studies to help. Then he asked the goddess Lakshmi, who wanted to be worshipped instead of helping him. Finally, he asked the goddess Parvati, who agreed to help him create everything we know.

So, in a nutshell, Brahma is a really cool god who made everything in the universe, and he has four heads to help him do it!