ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Brandenburger Gold Coast

Okay, so imagine you have a delicious piece of candy that you love so much. Now, imagine that this candy is special and different from all the other candies out there, and lots of other people love it too!

This candy is like a place called Brandenburg on the Gold Coast. It's a special area in Germany that is very beautiful and has a lot of cool things to see and do. People love to visit Brandenburg because it's so unique and special, just like our special candy.

The Gold Coast is a really nice place to live or visit. It's in Australia and has beautiful beaches and lots of fun things to do. So when we put Brandenburg on the Gold Coast together, it's like having a special candy in a really awesome place – the best of both worlds!

Overall, Brandenburg on the Gold Coast is a place that lots of people love because it's so special and unique, just like our delicious candy.