ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Brat Camp

Brat camp is a place where parents send their children who have been really naughty or difficult to deal with. It's like a special school where kids can learn how to behave better and become more respectful to their parents, teachers, and others. At brat camp, there are special counselors who help these children learn how to control their emotions and behave appropriately.

The camp is usually located in a rural area, away from the city and distractions, so that the children can focus on their behavior and learn new skills. At brat camp, children have a strict routine they must follow, with specific times for eating, sleeping, and learning. They participate in activities that challenge them physically and mentally, such as hiking, teamwork exercises, and learning new skills like how to build a fire or cook a meal.

The counselors use different methods to teach children how to be respectful, such as positive reinforcement and disciplinary consequences. They also provide individual counseling to children who need it. The goal of brat camp is to help children become more responsible, respectful, and independent, so they can return home and make better choices in the future.