ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Brazilian Portuguese

Brazilian Portuguese is a language that is spoken in Brazil, which is a country in South America. It's a way that people in Brazil communicate with each other so they can understand each other's ideas and feelings.

Just like English has different accents depending on where you go, Brazilian Portuguese can also have different accents depending on the region of Brazil. When different people in Brazil speak Portuguese, they may have different ways of saying the same words, but they all understand each other.

Some words in Brazilian Portuguese may sound very different from their English counterparts. For example, the word for "hello" in Brazilian Portuguese is "oi" instead of "hello." The word for "thank you" is "obrigado" or "obrigada," depending on if the person saying it is male or female.

As you learn more about Brazilian Portuguese, you will also discover different verb tenses, grammar rules, and vocabulary that are unique to this language. But remember, just like learning to walk or ride a bike, learning a new language takes time and practice. So be patient and have fun as you explore the beautiful world of Brazilian Portuguese!