ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Brazilian diaspora

Okay kiddo, do you know what the word "diaspora" means? It means a group of people who come from the same place but now live in different places all around the world. And in this case, we're talking about people from Brazil who now live in other countries.

So, imagine that you live in Brazil with your family and your friends. You go to school, you play soccer, you eat Brazilian food, and you celebrate Brazilian holidays. But one day, your mom or dad gets a job offer in another country, and your family decides to move there. Now you're living in a new country where they speak a different language, eat different kinds of food, and celebrate different holidays. That's what it's like for people in the Brazilian diaspora.

This has been happening for a long time, but it really started to happen a lot in the 20th century, especially in the 1960s and 70s. Brazil wasn't doing very well economically at that time, and a lot of people were struggling to make a living. So, many Brazilians moved to other countries to look for work or to study at universities.

Now there are Brazilian communities all over the world! In the United States, there are communities in places like New York City, Los Angeles, and Miami. In Europe, there are communities in Germany, France, Portugal, and Italy. And there are Brazilian communities in other parts of Latin America, in Africa, and in Asia too.

These communities have their own traditions and ways of life, but they also try to keep some of the things that make Brazil special. They might have Brazilian restaurants or cultural centers, where they can share their food and music and dance with other people who are interested in learning about Brazil. And they might get together to celebrate Brazilian holidays, like Carnival or Independence Day.

So, even though these Brazilians don't live in Brazil anymore, they still stay connected to their country and to each other, and they keep Brazilian culture alive wherever they go.