ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Breadth-first search

Breadth-first search is a way to explore a map or a network, like navigating through a maze. Imagine you are playing a game where you have to find a hidden object in a maze, but you don't know where it is. You start at a specific spot and have to search in all directions one step at a time.

Breadth-first search is like exploring every path one step at a time. You start at a point (let's say the entrance of the maze) and explore all its immediate neighbors (such as the first few paths you can see in front of you). You then explore all the neighbors of those neighbors that you haven't visited yet, and so on. Basically, you're slowly moving outwards in a "breadth" fashion until you reach your goal or have searched every possible route.

It's important to note that breadth-first search has some advantages over other search algorithms. For example, it guarantees to find the shortest path between two points in a maze, no matter how the maze is structured. It's also useful when you have multiple routes to explore, and you want to compare them all efficiently.

In summary, Breadth-first search is like exploring a maze by checking all possible paths in the order of their proximity from the starting point to the end point.