ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Breathing gas

Breathing gas is the air that we breathe in to live. It is made up mostly of two gases that we can't see or smell: oxygen and nitrogen. We breathe in oxygen because it helps our body make energy and helps us stay alive. However, sometimes we need to breathe in different types of gases, like when we are diving deep underwater or flying high in an airplane.

When people go deep underwater or high in the sky, the air pressure changes and can make it hard for them to breathe. In order to stay safe, people use special tanks filled with a different type of breathing gas called "mixed gases" or "enriched air". These tanks are filled with a special blend of gases that helps us breathe normally in different air pressures. They might also have extra oxygen or other gases in them to help us breathe better or stay safe.

Breathing gas tanks are really important for people who work in dangerous environments, like astronauts in space or firefighters who need to stay safe from smoke or gases. So, whenever you see someone using a special tank to breathe, just remember that they are using it to stay safe and healthy in a different kind of air pressure than we usually breathe!