ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Brit milah

Brit Milah is a special ceremony that some Jewish people do when a baby boy is born.

During the ceremony, a special person called a mohel will perform a small surgery on the baby boy's penis. This surgery is called circumcision.

Circumcision means that a little piece of skin, called the foreskin, is removed from the tip of the penis. This may sound scary or painful, but the baby is usually asleep or given medicine to keep them very calm and comfortable during the whole thing.

The reason some Jewish people do this ceremony is because it's a special way to show that they are part of their Jewish community and they want to follow a promise that was made many years ago between God and Abraham, who is an important person in the Jewish religion.

After the surgery is done, there is usually a big party with lots of food and singing and dancing, and the baby boy is officially welcomed into the community.