ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Broadband Networks

Broadband networks are like big connect-the-dot pictures where there are millions of dots all over the place. But instead of using a pencil to connect the dots, we use cables underground and in the air that carry signals and data to connect everything together.

Think of these cables like straws that you drink out of, but instead of drinks, they carry information to make TV shows, games, and internet websites work. Everyone who wants to use the internet, watch TV shows or play games has a straw with their name on it that connects to the big network of straws. The more people on the internet, the more straws we need to add so the network doesn't get too slow.

But sometimes, we don't use cables. We use radio waves to send signals through the air like when you listen to the radio in the car or use a walkie-talkie. But instead of hearing music or talking to a friend, the radio waves carry data like emails, videos or pictures.

Think of broadband networks as a superhighway where millions of cars can drive together to different places. But to make sure everyone gets to their destination on time, we need to make sure that the road is really big and has lots of lanes, just like the broadband network needs lots of cables and ways to send signals to keep everything moving quickly.

In short, broadband networks are the ways we all connect to the internet and different technologies that let us watch TV shows, play games or send messages. They are made up of lots of cables and radio waves that send signals everywhere, just like straws carrying drinks to different people in a big room.