Hey there kiddo! Today, let's talk about the Bronze Age in Europe!
You know how people used to use stone tools a really long time ago? Well, that changed during the Bronze Age! That's because people learned how to make things out of something called bronze, which is a shiny yellowish-brown metal.
During the Bronze Age in Europe, which was from about 3000 BC to 1000 BC, people started to use bronze tools and weapons instead of stone ones. They also started to make really cool things like jewelry, statues, and even musical instruments out of bronze.
People during the Bronze Age in Europe also started to live in villages and make their own homes. They farmed the land and raised animals and traded with other villages. They had different jobs like warriors, farmers, and craftspeople.
Bronze Age people also believed in gods and goddesses, and made special places to worship them. Some of these places, like Stonehenge in England, are still standing today!
So, that's a little bit about the Bronze Age in Europe! It was a time when people learned to make things out of bronze, started living in villages, and believed in gods and goddesses. Pretty cool, huh?