ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Buckingham pi theorem

Buckingham Pi Theorem is kinda like a magic trick that helps us understand how different things are related to each other.

Imagine you have a toy car and you want to know how fast it will go. But you don't know everything you need to know to figure it out. You don't know how heavy the car is, or how much air resistance it will face, or how much power its engine has.

Buckingham Pi Theorem helps you figure it out by telling you that there are certain "magic numbers" that are the same for all different cars when it comes to figuring out how fast they can go. These magic numbers are made up of different measurements (like weight, air resistance, power) and they help us to compare and balance two different things that might be related to each other.

So, if we have a lot of measurements for a toy car, we can use Buckingham Pi Theorem to extract out some combination of those measurements that will help us figure out the car's speed. And we can do this for all different kinds of cars, regardless of their size, shape or engine.

It's kinda like a secret code for scientists and engineers that allows them to understand how different things are related to each other by looking at some magical "numbers" that help to balance things out.