ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Buddhism in Kashmir

Buddhism is a way of life that started a long time ago in Kashmir, which is a place where people live in India. In Buddhism, people believe that if they follow certain rules and practices, they can become more peaceful and happy in life.

In the old days, many people in Kashmir followed Buddhism. They would go to special buildings called monasteries, where they would learn about Buddhism from special people called monks. These monks would teach the people how to live life better by being kind to others, being honest, and being peaceful.

People who followed Buddhism in Kashmir would also pray to special images of Buddha, who was a wise teacher who lived a long time ago. They believed that these images could help them remember to be good and follow the right way of life.

Over time, the popularity of Buddhism in Kashmir started to decrease. More and more people started to follow other religions, like Hinduism and Islam. The teachings of Buddhism still exist in Kashmir, but it is not as common as it used to be.

Even though the number of people who follow Buddhism in Kashmir has decreased, its teachings still have an impact on people's lives. Many people still believe in being kind to others and being peaceful, which are important values in the Buddhist way of life.