ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Buffalo burger

Let's start with what a burger is. It's a sandwich that's made with a piece of meat that's been cooked on a grill and then put between two pieces of bread called buns. People usually eat burgers with toppings like lettuce, tomato, cheese, ketchup, and mustard.

Now, a buffalo burger is just like a regular burger, but instead of using beef for the meat, they use buffalo meat. Buffalo are big animals that look a lot like cows, but they have shaggy hair and bigger horns. They used to roam around in large herds in North America a long time ago.

Nowadays, people raise buffalo on farms and use their meat for food. Buffalo is kind of like beef, but it has a different taste and is leaner, which means it has less fat. Some people think buffalo meat is healthier than beef because of this.

When you order a buffalo burger at a restaurant or make one at home, they will usually cook the buffalo meat on a grill just like a beef patty. Then, they will put it in a bun and add all sorts of toppings. Some people like to add things like bacon, avocado, and spicy sauces to their buffalo burger.

So, in summary, a buffalo burger is a kind of burger where the meat is made from buffalo instead of beef. It's cooked on a grill and served with toppings just like a regular burger. Some people think buffalo meat is healthier than beef and like the taste of it too!