ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bull (mythology)

In some old stories from a long time ago, there was a big, strong animal called a bull. It was really important to some people called the Greeks and the Romans, and they even made up stories about a god who was like a bull, named Zeus or Jupiter.

They thought the bull was really special because it was so powerful and fast. They even had competitions where people would try to catch the bull or ride it. It was also a symbol of strength and courage.

In some of these stories, they said that the bull could talk and think like a person. But, of course, that's not something that real bulls can do. It was just something people made up to make the stories more interesting.

Even though we don't believe in these stories anymore, people still sometimes use the word "bull" to mean something that's strong or tough. So, if you hear someone say that someone or something is "bullish," they're saying it's like a powerful bull!