ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Burial at sea

When someone dies, sometimes their family and friends want to say goodbye in a special way. If the person loved the ocean, they can have a special ceremony called a burial at sea.

First, the loved one's body is wrapped in a special cloth called a shroud. Then, the body is brought on a boat and taken out to sea. Once the boat reaches a certain distance from land, the captain will stop the boat and say a special prayer or reading.

Next, the body is gently lowered into the ocean. Some people may throw flowers or petals into the sea as a symbol of saying goodbye. After the body is completely submerged, the family and friends on the boat may say a final goodbye by tossing flowers or the person's favorite things into the ocean.

Burial at sea is a special way to honor someone's life and love for the ocean, and it can bring comfort to the family and friends left behind.