ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Business.gov is a place on the internet where grown-ups can go to learn how to start their own businesses. It's like a big book of rules that helps people know what they need to do to start making money on their own.

They can learn how to get a special piece of paper called a business license that makes it legal to sell things to others. They can also learn how to write a business plan, which is like a very detailed map that tells them what they need to do step-by-step to make their business successful.

At business.gov, they can learn about all kinds of businesses, from selling things online to starting a restaurant to making clothes or toys. They can also learn about taxes, which is like giving a tiny bit of their money to the government to help pay for important things like schools and roads.

Business.gov is like a grown-ups' guide to starting their own businesses, and it helps them feel confident and prepared to take the first step.