ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


C-weighting is like putting on headphones that only allow you to hear certain kinds of sounds.

Imagine being in a room with lots of noise - people talking, cars honking outside, doors closing, etc. If you put on headphones that can only pick up certain types of noises, like the sound of someone singing or the beep of a clock, you'll be able to hear those sounds more clearly while the other noises get turned down.

C-weighting works kind of like that with sound measurements. It's a way of measuring sound levels while filtering out the low and high frequencies that our ears are less sensitive to. This is good because it gives us a more accurate idea of how loud a sound is to our ears.

So, when someone talks about using C-weighting to measure sound levels, they're really just talking about filtering out some of the noise so that we can better understand how loud certain sounds are.