ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cabinet department

A cabinet department is like a big team of grown-ups who work together to make sure that things are running smoothly in the country. Just like how your parents have different jobs to take care of the family, each member of the cabinet department has a specific job to take care of the country.

For example, there is a department that takes care of the money, called the Treasury Department. They make sure that everyone is paying their fair share of taxes, and they also decide how to spend the money to make sure that everyone in the country has important things like schools, roads, and hospitals.

There is also a department that takes care of making sure people are safe, called the Department of Defense. They have a lot of grown-up soldiers who work to protect the country in case anything bad happens.

All of these departments work together to make sure that the country is working well and all of the people in it are happy and safe.