ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

Okay, so you know how sometimes when you have a big project to do, you ask your friends to help you out? Well, running a country is a really big project, and the person who is in charge of the country, called the president, can't do it all by themselves. So they have a group of people who help them out called a cabinet.

The cabinet of ministers in Ukraine is like the president's team of helpers. They are a group of people who are chosen by the president to help him or her make decisions about how the country should be run. Each person in the cabinet is in charge of a different area of the government, like the economy or education.

The idea behind having a cabinet is that everyone works together to make the best decisions for the country. For example, say the president wants to make a new law about how much money people should be paid. The cabinet might talk about how that would affect the economy, and if it would be good or bad for the country.

So the cabinet of ministers is really just a group of people who help the president make decisions about how to run Ukraine. They are like a team of helpers who work together to make sure everything is going smoothly.