ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cable transport

Cable transport is like a big, long rope that can take people and things up and down mountains or across large bodies of water. Think of it like a giant spider web with ropes going from one point to another.

To use cable transport, you usually get into a small car called a gondola or a cabin that's attached to the rope, like a bucket on a pulley. The gondola carries you along the rope, high up in the air. When you get to the other end, you get out and the gondola goes back to the other side to pick up more people.

Cable transport is really good for places where it's difficult to build roads or bridges. It's a fun way to go over mountains and rivers, and to see some really amazing views.

But it's also important to be really careful on cable transport. Make sure you follow all the rules and stay inside the gondola or cabin until you get to the other side. It's also important to wear warm clothes and hold on tight, because sometimes the gondola can be very cold or bumpy.