ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cain and Abel

Okay kiddo, so a long, long time ago in the Bible, there were two brothers named Cain and Abel. They were the sons of Adam and Eve, who were the first people ever according to the Bible.

Now Cain was a farmer and Abel was a shepherd. And one day, they both wanted to give an offering to God as a way of showing their love and gratitude towards Him. So, Cain gave God some fruits and vegetables from his farm, and Abel gave God some of the best animals from his flock.

But God liked Abel's offering more than Cain's. This made Cain very angry and jealous because he thought his offering was just as good as his brother’s. So, Cain ended up killing Abel out of jealousy and anger.

God was really upset with Cain for doing this and punished him by making him a wanderer for the rest of his life. This means that Cain had to leave his family and wander around without having a permanent home.

So, the story of Cain and Abel shows us how jealousy and anger can lead to really bad choices and consequences. We should always try to be grateful for what we have and not compare ourselves to others, because we are all unique and special in God's eyes.