ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

California Republic

Imagine if you and your friends decided to start your own club with its own rules and name. Well, California used to be like that too! A long, long time ago, the people living in California didn't want to be part of Mexico anymore because they wanted to make their own decisions and have more freedom. So they made their own club called the California Republic!

The California Republic flag had a bear on it to represent the bears that lived in California. The people who were in charge of the California Republic were called the Bear Flaggers because of the flag they carried. They wrote a special letter called a declaration saying why they wanted to be their own club, just like how you might write a letter to your parents about why you should be allowed to stay up past your bedtime!

The California Republic didn't last very long because the United States wanted California to be part of their club instead. So the United States took over and made California one of their states. But some people still remember the California Republic because it was a special time in California's history when the people who lived here came together to create something new and different.