ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A camcorder is like a special kind of camera that can take videos instead of just pictures. It has a lens, which is like a special eye that helps capture the video, and a microphone, which is like an ear that helps capture sounds.

When you want to record something, you press a button called the “record” button, and then the camcorder starts taking a video. You can see what you are recording on a screen that is usually on the side or on top of the camcorder.

After you are done recording, you can play back the video on the camcorder’s screen or on your computer, and you can even edit it to make it shorter, add music or sound effects, or make it look different.

Overall, a camcorder is like a very special camera that lets you capture moving pictures and sound, allowing you to save special memories and moments in your life forever.