Okay kiddo, so you know how there are some people who really love learning about how things work? They want to know everything about how the world around us works, from tiny little bugs to huge mountains and everything in between.
The Canadian government has some very special groups of people who are really good at studying and understanding different parts of our world. We call them scientific research organizations.
These groups have lots of super smart people who use special tools and techniques to figure out how things work in ways that a lot of normal people might find pretty tricky. They might look at tiny cells under a microscope, or study how animals live in different environments.
The government thinks it's really important to support these scientific research organizations, because they can help us understand lots of things about our world that we wouldn't learn otherwise. They can also use what they learn to make new medicines, build better machines, and solve all sorts of problems.
So the government makes sure these groups have enough money to keep doing all their important work, and they also help them share their findings with everyone else, so we can all learn from them.
In short, Canadian government scientific research organizations are groups of super smart people who study things in great detail to help us learn about our world and make it a better place.