ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Canderel is a sweetener that you can use instead of sugar to make things taste sweet. It looks a bit like tiny crystals or powder, and you can put it in your tea or coffee or sprinkle it on your cereal.

The cool thing is that Canderel doesn't have any calories, so if you are trying to be healthy or watching your weight, it's a good choice. This is because Canderel is made from a substance called aspartame, which is a type of artificial sweetener.

Aspartame tastes really sweet, but it's not bad for your body like regular sugar can be. Sugar can sometimes make you feel hyper or give you a sugar rush, but Canderel won't do that.

So, in short, Canderel is a tasty and healthy way to make your food and drinks taste sweet without any extra calories.
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