ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Canoe and kayak diving

Canoe and kayak diving is when you go under the water while sitting in a canoe or kayak. It is like going on a fun adventure where you get to see all sorts of things that you can’t see on land. You wear special gear like fins, a mask, and a tank of air to help you breathe when you are swimming underwater.

Before you can go canoe and kayak diving, you have to learn how to do it safely. Your adult diving instructors will tell you important rules to follow, like “never hold your breath underwater” and “always stay with your diving buddy.” You will also learn how to properly use your equipment so that you can be safe and have fun.

Once you are ready to go, you will paddle your canoe or kayak into the water and put on your diving gear. You will then carefully slip yourself and your gear into the water and take some time to get used to the sensation of breathing underwater. Your diving buddy will be doing the same thing, so you can watch each other and make sure everyone is doing okay.

Once you are all comfortable, you can start exploring the underwater world. You might see all sorts of things like colorful fish, rocks, and even shipwrecks! You can swim around and look at everything, making sure to keep an eye on your diving buddy and staying safe.

When you start to get low on air, it is time to go back up to the surface. You and your diving buddy will swim back to your canoe or kayak and climb back in, taking off your gear and getting ready to head back to land.

Canoe and kayak diving is a fun and exciting way to explore the water and see things that you can’t see on land. Just make sure to always follow the safety rules and have fun!