ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Canoe slalom

Canoe slalom is a fun water sport where people ride in special boats called canoes down a twisty and turny river with a bunch of obstacles in the way.

Imagine the river is like a maze - you have to steer and paddle your canoe around gates that are hanging down from poles above the water. There are two types of gates: green and red. Green gates mean you have to go through them in a certain direction, while red gates mean you have to go through them in the opposite direction.

To make things even trickier, some gates are upstream (facing against the current) and some are downstream (facing with the current), so you have to use different paddling techniques to make your way through them.

The goal is to go as fast as you can without hitting any of the gates or getting stuck, but sometimes people do hit the gates or even flip their canoes over - it's all part of the fun!

At the end of the race, the person with the fastest time and the fewest penalties (like hitting a gate) wins. Canoe slalom is a great way to have fun on the water and challenge yourself to become a better paddler.