ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Canon law (Episcopal Church in the United States)

Canon law is like a set of rules for how the Episcopal Church in the United States works. It's like when you play a game with your friends or family and there are rules that you have to follow. Just like how your game has rules to make sure everyone plays fair and has fun, canon law has rules to make sure everyone in the church is treated fairly and with respect.

These rules cover things like how to choose the leaders of the church (called bishops), how to make decisions about what the church believes and teaches, and how to handle problems that happen in the church.

Think of it like a big book of instructions that the church follows to make sure everyone is happy and working together nicely. And just like with any set of rules, sometimes people might disagree or get upset about them, but that's why there are ways to talk about and change the rules if needed.