ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Carathéodory's theorem (convex hull)

Okay kiddo, do you know what a convex shape is?

Imagine you have a bowl of fruit, and a rubber band that can stretch and wrap around the outside of the bowl while touching every piece of fruit. That rubber band is making a convex shape!

Now, let's talk about something called a convex hull. This is just like the rubber band stretching around the bowl, but with more points. If you have a bunch of points scattered on a page, you can draw a rubber band that wraps around all the points with no dips or bumps. The shape that rubber band makes is the convex hull of those points.

Now, Carathéodory's Theorem says that you only need a few points to make the convex hull of all the points. How few? It depends on how many points you have, but it's never more than the number of dimensions you're working with.

So for example, if you have 5 points on a flat piece of paper, you can draw a triangle connecting only 3 of those points that wraps around all the other points. That triangle is the convex hull. If you had 5 points in a 3D space, you could draw a pyramid connecting only 4 of those points that wraps around all the other points. That pyramid is the convex hull.

Does that make sense? Basically, Carathéodory's Theorem helps you figure out the fewest number of points you need to connect in order to encapsulate all the other points in a convex shape.