ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Carbon cycle re-balancing

The Carbon Cycle is like a big loop that scientists say helps keep the Earth healthy. It's like a machine that puts Carbon (which is a type of gas found in the air) back into the atmosphere. Carbon exists in many places and moves around in different forms. Plants and animals store Carbon in their bodies, while soils and oceans hold Carbon as well. It's like a big recycling system that helps keep the air clean.

Re-balancing the Carbon Cycle means making sure that all of the Carbon stays in balance. When too many Carbon gases are released into the atmosphere, the Earth starts to get too hot, and that's not good for the things that live on it. So people try to find ways to help make sure that the Carbon stays balanced, or in other words, make sure that it's 're-balanced'. Through doing things like being careful about how much energy we use and planting trees, we can help keep the Carbon Cycle balance and make sure that the Earth stays healthy.