ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, today we're going to talk about a really cool thing called Cas9. It's a tool that scientists use to make changes to our DNA.

Think of DNA like a very long storybook that tells our bodies how to work. Sometimes, scientists want to change parts of that storybook to fix problems or make things better.

That's where Cas9 comes in! It's like a little helper that goes into our cells and finds the specific spot in the storybook (DNA) that needs to be changed.

Once it finds the spot, it cuts the DNA, kind of like scissors. Then, scientists can put in new information or take out old information. Think of it like editing a book!

Pretty cool, right? Scientists are still learning about how to use Cas9 safely and correctly, but it has a lot of potential to help make the world a better place!