ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cashierless store

Have you ever been in a store where you give your items to a nice person at the counter, pay them, and then take your items and go? Well, in a cashierless store, there's no need for the nice person at the counter! Instead, you go into the store, pick out your items, and then simply leave the store with them.

You might wonder, "Well, how does the store know that I took the things?" The answer is that there are a lot of cameras and sensors all over the store that can track everything you take. These cameras and sensors can see what you pick up, how much money you owe for the things you picked up, and they can even make sure that you don't accidentally take something you didn't mean to.

Once you leave the store, the total cost of your items will be charged to your account automatically. That means you don't have to stop and pay anyone on your way out! It's really cool and saves a lot of time.

So, that's pretty much what a cashierless store is. You get to pick things out, you're watched on camera, and then you're charged for what you took without having to talk to a person at the end. Easy peasy!