ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Causation in English law

Okay kiddo, so causation in English law means figuring out who is responsible for something bad that happens. Let's say you accidentally break a vase in your house. You are responsible for breaking the vase because you did it by accident. Now let's say you threw a ball inside the house and it broke the vase. You are also responsible for breaking the vase because you threw the ball.

Causation in law is like figuring out who threw the ball in a situation where someone gets hurt. For example, if someone gets hit by a car and gets hurt, we need to figure out who caused the accident. Was it the driver of the car because they were not paying attention or driving too fast? Or was it the person who walked out into the street without looking both ways?

Both of these people could be responsible for the accident, but causation helps us figure out whose actions caused the accident. Once we know who caused the accident, we can figure out what consequences they should face, like paying for the damage or facing a punishment.
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