ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Causes of poverty

Alright kiddo, poverty happens when people don't have enough money to buy the things they need to live comfortably. There are different things that can cause poverty, and they can be big and complicated.

Sometimes poverty is caused by things like natural disasters, wars, or economic downturns (times when not many people have jobs and money is tight). These things can happen without anyone meaning for them to happen, and they can affect a lot of people at once.

Other times, poverty can be caused by more complicated things like bad government policies or unfair systems that benefit some people more than others. For example, if some people have more opportunities to make money or access to better education than others, they might end up being richer while others stay poor.

Sometimes poverty can also be caused by things like discrimination, where people are treated unfairly because of things like their race, gender, or where they come from. This can mean they have less access to things like good jobs, education, or housing, and are more likely to be poor.

So, there are different things that can cause poverty, and they can be big and complicated. But everyone should have equal opportunities to live comfortable lives, no matter where they come from or what they look like.