ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Celestial Empire

Okay kiddo, imagine that the whole world is a big, big village with lots of different families living in it. Now, imagine that there is one family that is really, really, REALLY big and they live up in the sky instead of on the ground. This family is called the Celestial Empire.

The Celestial Empire has their own laws and rules that they follow, just like how each family in the village has their own rules for how they live. They also have their own leader, like how your family might have a mommy or daddy who is in charge. The leader of the Celestial Empire is called the Emperor.

The people in the Celestial Empire believe that they are really special and important, and they think that everyone else in the village should respect them and follow their rules. This has caused some problems in the past, because some of the other families in the village don't think the Celestial Empire should be in charge of everything.

But even though they have had some disagreements with the other families, the Celestial Empire is still really powerful and influential. They have lots of cool things up in the sky like stars and constellations, and people have been looking up at them and admiring them for thousands of years.