Celtic Christianity is a way of practicing Christianity that existed a long time ago in places like Ireland and Scotland. It was different from the way many people practice Christianity now.
For example, Celtic Christians had different traditions and ways of worshiping than other Christians. They used symbols like the Celtic Cross and had strong connections to nature and the land around them. They also celebrated holidays that were different from the ones we typically celebrate now.
Another thing that made Celtic Christianity unique was the way they viewed the world. They believed that God could be found in everything around us, like the trees, rocks, and animals. They also believed that everyone had a special connection to God, not just priests or other religious leaders.
Despite being different from other forms of Christianity, Celtic Christianity was still rooted in the same basic beliefs as other types of Christianity. They believed in Jesus Christ and that he died for our sins. They also believed in the Holy Trinity (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit) and tried to live their lives in a way that reflected the values of love, kindness, and compassion.
Overall, Celtic Christianity was a unique and special way of practicing Christianity that emphasized our connection to the natural world and the importance of a personal relationship with God.