ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Celtic knot

A Celtic knot is a pattern that looks like different pieces of string twisted and looped together without any ends. The pattern can be made up of different shapes or symbols that are repeated over and over again. It is called a Celtic knot because it was used a lot in art by a group of people called the Celts who lived in Europe a long time ago.

To make a Celtic knot, you start by drawing a straight line. Then, you draw curves and loops around that line, going over and under it in different places. You keep adding more curves and loops until it looks like a big tangled mess of lines. But if you look closely, you'll see that each part of the knot is connected to every other part. There are no loose ends or beginnings, just one big knot!

Some people say that Celtic knots have a special meaning because they are so intricate and connected. They might say that they represent the idea that everything in the world is connected to everything else, or that life is like a winding journey with many twists and turns.

You can find Celtic knots on all sorts of things, like jewelry, clothing, and even in tattoos! It's a really neat pattern that looks cool and has a lot of history and meaning behind it.