ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Censorship in India

Censorship in India means that the government or other authorities decide what information or media people are allowed to see or hear. This includes things like movies, TV shows, books, news articles, and even internet content.

Just like how parents protect their children by deciding what they can watch on TV or read in books, the government in India believes that it has a responsibility to protect its citizens by controlling what they can see or read. This is mainly done to make sure that people are not exposed to harmful or dangerous content that could cause harm to themselves or society.

For example, sometimes, movies or TV shows can have scenes of violence, sex, or drug abuse. To protect people from these types of things, the government can edit, cut, or even ban certain aspects of the content. This way, people can still watch the movies and shows, but without the harmful parts.

However, sometimes, the censorship can become controversial. Some people may feel that the government is taking away their freedom of expression and that they have a right to see whatever they want. In these situations, there can be protests and debates about whether censorship is necessary or not.

Overall, censorship in India is a way of protecting people from harmful content, but it can also spark debates about freedom of expression and the right to information.