ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Champa is a type of flower that grows in a place called Southeast Asia. It's a beautiful flower that comes in many different colors, like pink, red, and yellow. People there really like champa flowers and use them for many things.

Some people use champa flowers to make perfume or oils that smell really nice. When they make this perfume, they take the champa flowers and put them in a pot with some water. Then they heat up the pot until the water starts to evaporate. The steam from the pot goes through a special tube and the perfume comes out at the other end.

Some people also use champa flowers to decorate their hair or their homes. They might put the flowers in a vase or use them to make a pretty necklace.

Overall, champa flowers are really special and mean a lot to the people who live in Southeast Asia. They use them for many things, but mostly because they are beautiful and smell really good!