ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Character amnesia

Hello there, little one! Today we are going to talk about something called "character amnesia".

Imagine you have a favorite toy and you love playing with it every day. But one day, you forget that toy even exists. That's kind of like character amnesia in a story.

When a character in a book or a movie suddenly forgets something important about themselves or their past, we say they have character amnesia. It's like their brain suddenly decides to erase a part of them!

Sometimes this can happen because the writer of the story wants to create a plot twist or add excitement to the story. Other times, it can be a way for the character to go on a journey to rediscover who they are and what they believe in.

So, to summarize, character amnesia is when a character forgets something important about themselves or their past in a story. It can make the plot more interesting and can help characters grow and learn about themselves.