ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tip of the tongue

Have you ever had a feeling that you know a word, but you just can't seem to say it out loud? That feeling is called the "tip of the tongue" phenomenon. It's like the word is stuck right at the tip of your tongue, and you know you know it, but it just won't come out.

It happens because our brain has a lot of information stored, including words we know. Sometimes, when we try to recall a particular word, our brain can't seem to find it right away. However, the brain keeps trying to search for the word, and that's why we have that feeling that it's right there, but we can't say it.

It's like when you're playing a game of hide-and-seek, and you know someone is hiding nearby, but you just can't find them. Your brain keeps searching for the word until it finally finds it, and then you can say it out loud.

The good news is, the more you practice using different words and building your vocabulary, the less often you'll experience the tip of the tongue phenomenon. So keep reading, talking, and learning new words, and your brain will become better and better at finding the right words when you need them.